GSM is open!
September 10th, 2020
Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade in session as of September 8th

GSM is still a young school. Weighing out the pros and cons for a possible reopening kept us busy all summer. On September 8th, GSM reopened its doors to welcome back grades Kindergarten, as well as 1st and 2nd grade. The classrooms have a slightly different set up and mask wearing is a must for students and staff. GSM is lucky that its location offers enough space for all GSM students to be on site together (grades are no larger than 12 at the moment), so we didn’t have to opt for just a partial in-person model (hybrid). Some families are taking advantage of remote learning, the classrooms are streaming 3 live sessions a day. In some ways, being back in school is different. Hand hygiene, a strict protocol for material use and socializing in our rooms and in the park feels like we are learning it all over. But luckily some things are the same! Giggles, shares, ideas, lessons, stories, math – we are getting back into the groove. We want to thank the GSM community for supporting our reopening plan and making it happen. A very special thank you goes to our teachers that are tirelessly working on optimizing the learning experience. We will keep you posted, as we are settling into our new schedules and routines. Here are some pictures we took over the last few days.