Teaching Highlight: “Malala’s magischer Stift”
May 1st, 2022
Social Topics in the German Kindergarten Class Room

In German Kindergarten we love to connect to the English Social Studies units by introducing students to stories of inspiring activism.
“We read and discussed the book Malala’s Magischer Stift, in which Malala wishes the story of the magic pen was real. In the story, the pen’s magic makes everything that it draws appear in reality. Malala tells about the Taliban taking over her town and about girls who are not allowed to attend school anymore. She talks about children who have to go to work to help earn money for their families. Instead of wishing for a magic pen, she begins writing down what she sees and what she wishes for. Her words eventually gain just as much power as the magic pen has.
The Kindergarten Dolphins then thought about things they would like to draw with a magic pen; things they’d wish for for our world.
We made paintings that answer the question: Was malt Dein magischer Stift?
Here are a few outstanding examples:
Nova: Dass Menschen gleich behandelt werden
Isla: Dass alle Mädchen zur Schule können
Rasmus: Dass der Wald nicht verbrannt wird
Peter: Dass der Wald nicht abgeschnitten wird
Romy: Dass Menschen nicht so viele Bäume schneiden”
By Maresa Carney